Sunday, March 15, 2015

Energy crisis

The energy crisis is a broad and complex topic. Most people don’t feel connected to its reality unless the price of gas at the pump goes. The energy crisis is something that is ongoing and getting worse, despite many efforts. The reason for this is that there is not a broad understanding of the complex causes and solutions for the energy crisis that will allow for an effort to happen that will resolve it.
The energy crisis is the concern that the world’s demands on the limited natural resources are in limited supply.
An energy crisis is a society-wide economic problem caused by a limited supply of energy, leading to diminished availability and increased price to consumers. Adequate availability of inexpensive energy is the most important demand of today.

Causes of the Energy Crisis
It is very easy to point out the causes the entire energy crisis.

It is one of the causes of energy crisis and its demands for fuel and products. No matter what type of food or products you choose to use
All of are made in a industry. No one or any products are made or transported without natural resources.

Poor Infrastructure:
Power generating equipment is yet another reason for energy shortage. Most of the energy producing firms keep on using outdated equipment that restricts the production of energy. It is the responsibility of utilities to keep on upgrading the infrastructure and set a high standard of performance.

Wastage of Energy:
In most parts of the world, people do not realize the importance of conserving energy. It is only limited to books, internet, newspaper ads, lip service and seminars. Unless we give it a serious thought, things are not going to change anytime sooner. Simple things like switching off fans and lights when not in use, using maximum daylight, walking instead of driving for short distances, using CFL instead of traditional bulbs, proper insulation for leakage of energy can go a long way in saving energy .

Major Accidents and Natural Calamities:
 Major accidents like pipeline burst and natural calamities like eruption of volcanoes, floods, earthquakes can also cause interruptions to energy supplies. The huge gap between supply and demand of energy can raise the price of essential items which can give rise to inflation.

Miscellaneous Factors:
Tax hikes, strikes, military coup, political events, severe hot summers or cold winters can cause sudden increase in demand of energy and can choke supply. A strike by unions in an oil producing firm can definitely cause an energy crisis.

Possible Solutions of the Energy Crisis

Many of the possible solutions are already in place today, but they have not been widely adopted.
Lighting Controls:
There are a number of new technologies out there that make lighting controls that much more interesting and they help to save a lot of energy and cash in the long run.

Perform Energy Audit:
Energy audit is a process that helps you to identify the areas where your home or office is losing energy and what steps you can take to improve energy efficiency

Buy Energy Efficient products:
Replace traditional bulbs with CFL’s and LED’s. They use less watts of electricity and last longer. If millions of people across the globe use LED’s and CFL’s for residential and commercial purposes, the demand for energy can go down and an energy crisis can be averted.

Lighting Controls:
 There are a number of new technologies out there that make lighting controls that much more interesting and they help to save a lot of energy and cash in the long run. Preset lighting controls, slide lighting, touch dimmers, integrated lighting controls are few of the lighting controls that can help to conserve energy and reduce overall lighting costs.

Energy Simulation:
Energy simulation software can be used by big corporate and corporations to redesign building unit and reduce running business energy cost. Engineers, architects and designers could use this design to come with most energy efficient building and reduce carbon footprint.

Common Stand on Climate Change:
Both developed and developing countries should adopt a common stand on climate change. They should focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through an effective cross border mechanism. With current population growth and over consumption of resources, the consequences of global warming and climate change cannot be ruled out. Both developed and developing countries must focus on emissions cuts to cut their emission levels to half from current levels by 2050.

There are many global initiatives that are working towards resolving the energy crisis. This has taken the form of increased regulation and restriction on carbon emissions, the promotion of greener manufacturing and construction projects, the funding of research into hybrid technologies and more sustainable technologies and more. Locally, more communities are seeing beyond the recycle bin and recognizing that how the community uses their local resources is important too. More community gardens, parks and farmer’s markets are springing up not only as a means of introducing more sustainable elements into people’s, but as an important part of educating the public about the importance of resources

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